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Showing posts from June, 2024

Friday June 21

 Today we had a fine arts focused Friday.  We had two guest teachers come and work with us on drama games and activities in the playground.  Homework this weekend:  - images/videos for sharing Monday Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday June 20th

 Today we had a virtual field trip with the Royal Tyrrell Museum!  We learned about fossils and the prehistoric timeline.  We also had the chance to go into the gym to roll out our solar systems.  These will be coming home with your children today. Homework tonight:  - send photos/video for our sharing day on Monday  - we will be outside tomorrow so please dress for the weather  - grade six band is tomorrow Have a great night!

Tuesday June 18

 We had a great day of reflecting about the year today.  The students wrote their Core Competency reflections which will come home next week as part of their report card.  They also worked on finishing up their Memory Slide Decks. Homework tonight:  - please make sure that all library books and jerseys have been returned  - gym tomorrow  - we will be outside a lot over the next week, please make sure your child has outdoor running shoes Have a great evening.

Thursday June 13th

 This morning some students finished working on their planet research.  If this has not been completed it needs to be completed for homework.  The students went outside for gym today.  They have been asked to ensure that they are bringing running shoes for outside gym for the rest of the year. Homework   - planet research  - outside for the afternoon tomorrow

Wednesday June 12

 Today we worked with the Stream of Dreams group to each create a painted fish for the school fence.  We look forward to seeing all of these fish displayed on the fence soon! Homework tonight:  - legend good copy due tomorrow  - planet research due tomorrow Have a wonderful night!

Tuesday June 11th

 Today the PAC provided ice cream for our class.  The students did a wonderful job during their French presentations this morning.  We had our final health switch today. Homework:  - novel study questions  - legend typed copy (due Thursday))  - planet research (due Thursday)  - gym tomorrow  - Stream of Dreams presentation tomorrow Have a great evening!

Monday June 10th

 Today the Grade 7 students had their Business of Their Own sale.  We had a work block day in the classroom to make sure that we are caught up.  We cleaned out the bins too!  A reminder that the grade 5/6 students will be making French presentations on their likes and dislikes tomorrow! Homework tonight:  - 5/6 practicing your French  - any unfinished work on purple needs to be completed by tomorrow  - last health lesson tomorrow  - Ice Cream Day tomorrow  - Stream of Dreams Wednesday  - Library books due Friday Have a good night.

Friday June7

 Today we managed to get most of the school flower garden planted.  Unfortunately due to ants we had to stop planting.  We got together with the other Montessori intermediate class today and created a tableau for drama.  Since it was such a nice day, we spent a large portion of it outside.  We also had our first Physical Literacy lesson.  A fun Friday for sure! Homework and Information for the Weekend:  - math probability work is due if not already complete  - Monday is the grade 7's Business of Our Own selling time  - Wednesday we will be painting, please don't wear your best clothes  - Tuesday 5/6 students will be giving their presentations in French on their likes and dislikes (j'aime, je n'aime pas) Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday June 6th

 There was no post yesterday as the internet was not working properly.  Today we had our second to last health switch.  We started getting the garden ready for flowers.  Some of the kids started placing their planets into their solar systems. Homework tonight:  - probability lessons one and two  - French presentations next Tuesday, make sure you are practicing  - toilet paper roll if not here  - we will try to plant the rest of the garden tomorrow  - we will be outside for drama tomorrow Have a good night!

Monday June 3

 Today we used the Chromebooks to do some research on planets.  In math we started talking about probability.   Homework tonight:  - toilet paper roll  - probability page  - legend rough copy  - unfinished math package  - June 11, grade sevens selling items  - Freezie sale moved to tomorrow $2 Have a good night!