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Showing posts from May, 2024

Friday May 31

 Today we played drama games out on the field.  We learned more about the Big Bang theory.  Homework this weekend:  - bring your finished novel for podcast work  - year six volume package needs to be completed  - legend rough copy needs to be complete  - toilet paper role  - Freezie sale Monday $2 Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday May 30th

 Today we had a work block for most of the day so that the children could work on the many activities they have on the go.  We also looked at the Montessori Plate Techtonic Timeline.   Homework tonight:  - I am From poems are overdue  - Please bring your independent novel study novels tomorrow (even if you are not quite done).  - Toilet Paper Roll for next week  - Freezie Friday $2 tomorrow. Have a great night!

Wednesday May 29th

 Today we started our learning about the universe by learning about the Big Bang.  We read the story Born With A Bang.  We have been looking at legends and today the students started to write their own legend. Homework tonight:  - I am From poem good copies  - gym tomorrow  - Legend reflections if not complete  - Roll of Toilet Paper for next week  - Freezie Friday $2 Have a good night.

Tuesday May 28th

Today the students played a trivia game in their Health class.  We continued working on our memory slide decks this afternoon.  Homework:  - French Spring Drawings Due Tomorrow Morning  - legends activity  - Freezie sale Friday  - gym tomorrow  - library tomorrow  - please return track jersey if not going to zones.

Monday May 27th

 Today we did a mindful activity.  We listened to a piece by Beethoven and drew what it inspired in us.  Many of the children mentioned how calm they felt after this activity. Homework tonight:  - legend reflection if not complete  - year 6 volume work due Friday  - Freezie sale Friday after school $2  - Printemps drawing due Wednesday (year 5 and 6) Have a good night.

Friday May 24th

 Thank you to those parents who joined us on our walk today.  We had a great time learning about the local land this afternoon.  This weekend I have encouraged the students to make sure they are reading their novels.  We will be starting to brainstorm with them towards the end of next week.  I have also asked the students to ensure that all unfinished work has been completed. Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday May 23rd

 Today we voted on ideas to make our school better while learning about elections.  Congratulations to the Popcorn Party for winning the vote.  They ran on a campaign designed to include student input in learning. Homework  - missing work such as Word Study, Math Packages and/or Levels of Government these are all overdue and need to be handed in tomorrow  - outside walk tomorrow, dress for the weather  - year sixes have band tomorrow  -$2 Freezie fundraiser for the grade sevens tomorrow after school Have a great night!

Wednesday May 22

 Last week I was away for much of the week which is why there was no blog posts made.  Congratulations yesterday to all of our athletes who took part in the Zone Track Meet. Today we looked at what makes up a campaign and the students are creating a small campaign to present to the class tomorrow. Homework  - walking field trip parent volunteer needed for Friday from 1:15 - 2:15.  - math packages are overdue  - Where Am I poem needs to be completed  - independent novels need to be read for next week (they chose these in April) Have a wonderful evening!

Tuesday May 14th

Today the year five and six students wrote their French ER verb quiz.  We had a health lesson with Ms. Katy.  In the afternoon we went to the library and worked with Spheros.  We tried to code them to draw a square. Homework  - AI notice coming home (digital copy to be sent home as well)  - Track forms must be signed and returned by Thursday for those attending the zone meet next week  - No school Friday (Professional Development Day) or Monday (Victoria Day)  - Gym tomorrow  - Library tomorrow  - Headphones needed tomorrow  Have a good night!

Friday May 10

 The grade sixes had their track meet today.  The fours and fives had an amazing work morning and played Bingo in the afternoon. Homework:  - math packages  - levels of government drawings  - headphones for Wednesday  - next Friday is a Professional Development Day (no school for students)  - ER verb quiz in French on Tuesday Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday May 9

 Today some of the children participated in the distance runs for track.  We also earned a school wide reward today for following WITS behaviour.  Tomorrow is the track meet for the grade 6 students.  Please make sure you have lots of water, hat, sunscreen and are dressed for the weather. Homework  - word study lesson 18 due tomorrow morning  - French ER verb quiz next Tuesday  - Math packages are due end of the day tomorrow  - concession tomorrow, items $1-$2  - Year 6 band students bring your instruments tomorrow

Wednesday May 8

 A reminder that students wanting to participate in distance track events will run tomorrow at the school.  This is open to all students in grades 4, 5 and 6. Homework tonight:  - home reading  - dress for the weather (with the nicer weather I do hope to be taking our learning outside more often)  - gym tomorrow  - Year 6 track and band on Friday  - Year 5/6 French ER verb quiz next Tuesday  - headphones for next week Have a wonderful evening.

Tuesday May 7th

 The grade 4/5 students had a great time at the track meet today.  The grade sixes were amazing helpers!  Homework tonight:  - class photo tomorrow  - library tomorrow  - gym tomorrow  - What In The World/Canadian Reader articles overdue  - Open House Folders   - Headphones for Monday Have a great night!

Monday May 6

Today we took part in a school sing along for Music Monday.  We got together on the field and sang "Sing."  We also had a fire drill today.  We are all outside for the grade 4/5 Track Meet tomorrow morning (our grade 6's are helpers).  Please make sure your child has: a hat, sunscreen, water bottle and is dressed for the weather.  We will be outside all morning until lunch time. They will also probably be hungry so please ensure they have a good breakfast and lunch.  The PAC will be having a concession and most items will be $1-$2. Have a good night.

Friday May 3

Today we went outside on a shape scavenger hunt.  The children are getting excited as our new playground is getting closer to being finished. This morning we took part in YOU Dance.  This was a virtual presentation from the National Ballet of Canada.   Homework  - some math packages have not been turned in.  These are overdue  - Journal on You Dance if not completed  - Track next week - 4/5 - Tuesday, 6 - Friday  - Class photos Wednesday  - Headphones Have a great weekend!

Thursday May 2

 We went out for track and had different workshops and learned how to do different events (triple jump, shot put, high jump).  Many children have some work that needs to be caught up.  We had work block time in the classroom today and many assignments got completed. Homework tonight  - Levels of Government activity  - What In The World/Canadian Reader article  - math packages - grade 4 due tomorrow, 5/6 overdue  - headphones   - wear clothes you can move in tomorrow Have a great evening.

Wednesday May 1

 Today we had a class meeting to discuss concerns that students may have.  We went to the gym to watch one of our classmates and many other students in the school share their talents with us at the Aberdeen Talent Show today. Homework   - headphones.  We will be needing these for a project the week of May 13th.  Please ensure your child has a pair here by then.  - track.  We will be outside tomorrow between recess and lunch taking part in track rotations.  Please make sure that you have a water bottle.  - math packages are overdue.  - wear red on Friday  Have a good evening.