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Showing posts from September, 2024

Wednesday September 18th

Today we wrote our first Non Fiction Reading Assessment.  The children worked very hard on it.  The year sixes will be leading our Peace Day on Friday and today we had our first practice. Homework   - $2 for Terry Fox Run. The run is happening tomorrow.  - Welcome back BBQ after school tomorrow after school  Have a good night.

Tuesday Sept. 17

 Today we started talking about the International Day of Peace.  We are creating dream catchers for Friday.  In gym today we played Pumpkin Patch Throw Down.  Today was also our first library day.  Your child could be bringing home a book today. Homework  - walking field trip forms need to be returned  - gym tomorrow  - eat a good breakfast Have a great night!

Monday September 16

 Today we had our first Lock Down Drill.  The students did a good job of keeping silent during this time.  We had our first Math Monday today and did an estimation activity.  Please ask your child about this process.  We started practicing our song for Peace Day Friday, "What a Wonderful World." Homework  - please ensure that all Walking Field Trip forms and verification forms have been returned  - gym tomorrow  - our first library tomorrow  - inside shoes Have a wonderful evening!

Friday Sept. 13

 We did our class beliefs today.  The students have brainstormed a list of what is important to them in our classroom.  They came up with THREE PAGES of ideas!  We will continue to work on this list next week.  We had our first fire drill with a bell today.  They modeled this for our little buddies today.  Homework this weekend:  - All About Me  - Verification Forms  - 5/6 Word Study Sentence Parsing Have a great weekend!

Thursday September 12

 We did our first Canadian Reader/What in the World current events article today.  It was about the Olympics.  We  read The Magical Yet and completed a journey card, setting a goal for our learning this year. Homework tonight  - word study dictation tomorrow  - email coming home tonight from Mrs. Elliott  - return verification forms and walking field trip form  - All About Me sheet homework if not complete Have a good night.

Wednesday September 11

We had a good day in the classroom today.  The children are showing that they are able to work independently already!  In the afternoon we met our little buddy class for the first time.  We took our little buddies on a tour of the school and reminded them of RoaRS behaviours. Homework tonight  - continue to practice our word study for dictation on Friday  - coupon book fundraising information  - verification forms and walking field trip form due ASAP Have a wonderful evening!

Tuesday September 10th

 We finished some leaf art today.  This has helped to make our hallway look cheerful!  The year fours created Grammar Wheels today.  Please ask you child to explain these to you! Homework tonight  - word study  - verification and forms package  - walking field trip permission slip  - gym tomorrow  Have a great evening.

Welcome Back!

 Today we received agendas.  These will come home nightly and I ask that you please sign or initial them so I know that they have been read.  The students worked on a scavenger hunt activity to learn more about the areas in their agenda.  Even though our library time has not started yet, we have started our personal reading using books from our classroom library.  Today the students read to themselves after lunch.  Home reading will start once we are able to access the school library. Homework tonight:  - word study (we are working with "no excuse" words for the next few weeks.  Please study the list in the agenda for a dictation on Friday)  - verification forms  - walking field trip forms due ASAP  - Yr. 4 strings forms due tomorrow  - gym tomorrow Have a great night.