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Showing posts from October, 2024

Thursday October 17th

 Today we learned about algorithms online.  We read a fake news feed about two fake politicians and had a class vote.  After the vote, we realized that not everyone was given the same feed to read and this led to a discussion about algorithms.  We also had a presentation in the gym today from the Earth Rangers.  We got to see some interesting animals. Information on becoming and Earth Ranger is also coming home today. Homework tonight:  - home reading  - word study if not complete  - word study dictation tomorrow  - Yr 6 Immunization forms due tomorrow  - Yr 6 vision screening information sent home Have a wonderful evening!

Wednesday October 16th

 Today the year 5/6 students worked on their oral language in French today.  They are sounding much more confident already!  It was a Work Block Wednesday in the classroom today.  The children all worked well at getting their tasks accomplished.   Homework tonight:  - home reading  - word study  - year 6 forms due Friday Have a great evening!

Tuesday October 15th

 Today for fine arts we did value shading using the Montessori Colour Box Three and paint.  Today we also started our word study groups.  Your child will be studying the spelling pattern in 20 words this week to be ready for their dictation on Friday. Homework tonight:  - home reading  - word study  - gym tomorrow  - Yr. 6 Immunization packing coming home today Have a wonderful evening!

Friday October 11th

 Today we had a cooperative STEM challenge today to build a tall tower using spaghetti and marshmallows.  The students worked very well and did some great problem solving during this challenge, even if it did not produce the results they were hoping for.  Today we also did our weekly Big 5 math check ins and word study dictations.  Next week we will be starting our word study focusing on different spelling patterns and letter sounds. Homework this weekend:  - home reading  - word study review if not complete  Have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Thanksgiving!  A reminder that there is no school Monday.

Thursday October 10th

 Today we started looking at different forms of government.  We were separated into four different groups that demonstrated four different types of governments and then had to do a STEM challenge to build a tall tower using spaghetti and marshmallows.  We also worked with out little buddies today to help them with a thankful activity. Homework tonight:  - word study review  - word study dictation tomorrow  - home reading Have a wonderful evening!

Wednesday October 9th

 Today we logged on to Typing Pal for the first time.  This will be a program that we will use this year to learn proper keyboarding skills.  It uses videos to share lessons which is why your child will need headphones this year.  Today we also read Barnaby Unboxed.  We discussed what we thought was the main message the author was trying to share and wrote about this. Homework tonight:  - home reading  - word study practice  - health tomorrow  - book fair information coming home  Have a good night!

Tuesday October 8th

 Today we had our book exchange in the library.  We talked about value and shading in fine arts today.  We will be exploring this further in the next few weeks.   Homework tonight:  - home reading  - word study practice  - sign up for parent teacher interview  - open house letter from TRU  - gym tomorrow  - headphones/ear buds for tomorrow Have a good night!

Monday October 7th

 Today we had a lesson in the library and learned how to place books on hold.  The students will be coming home with a page today so that they can do this from home as well.  They can only have three books on hold at a time.  For Math Monday today we had an Estimation 180 question.  They had to estimate the number of almonds in a 1/4 cup measure. Homework tonight:  - home reading  - word study practice (this will be our last week of "No Excuse" words)  - library tomorrow  - gym tomorrow  - headphones for Wednesday please Have a wonderful evening!

Friday October 4th

 While the year four students were working on their FSAs the 5/6 students wrote a Comprehension Cliffhanger where they need to write the ending to a story.  We went outside this afternoon to do Physical Literacy with Ms. Erickson.   Homework this weekend:  - home reading  - My Mouth is a Volcano  - sign up for parent teacher interview Have a good night!

Thursday October 3

 Today went by so quickly!!!  In Health the children sorted sounds by guessing the sound.  All students logged into their Prodigy accounts today.  They have passwords in their agenda if they would like to play on these at home. Homework tonight:  - home reading  - word study (review work is homework if not complete)  - wear plaid tomorrow  Have a great night!

Wednesday October 2

 Today was a BUSY work block Wednesday.  The weather was so nice today that the children were able to go outside for gym.  We had a lock down practice this morning and the students did a great job of sitting quietly.  The year four students also started their FSA. We also started our gratitude pumpkin for the month of October.  Each day the students will each share what they are grateful for and we will write it on our pumpkin.  Our hope is to fill the pumpkin by the end of the month. Homework tonight  - home reading  - word study  - email home regarding Parent Teacher Interviews  - headphones for upcoming Typing Pal work  - French Colours  - My Mouth is a Volcano activity overdue Have a great evening!

October 1

 I cannot believe that we are into October already!  The past month has flown by!  Today we did a "Would You Rather" math question.  The children need to work out both possibilities and then share which one they would choose and why.  We are nearing the end of our review words in word study, we should finish with this list next week.   Homework tonight:  - home reading (it is great to see these reviews coming in!)  - word study practice  - gym tomorrow  - photo form   - Yr. 4 - FSA Notice  - ear buds/headphones for next week.  No Bluetooth please! Have a great night!